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Abbott, Patrick Inauguration, and 84th Legislative Session

January 13, 2015

“The inauguration of Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, and the opening of the 84th Legislature is hard confirmation of the destructive, Washington-style political culture Rick Perry and one-party Republican control has brought to Texas. Before Perry/Abbott/Patrick, Texas leaders operated based on common-sense and with a spirit of cooperation. Unfortunately, that style of constructive leadership is a thing of the past.

Both Abbott and Patrick have made it clear they are focused on pacifying the most narrow, parochial interests of their political base and their elite donors. They will ignore the views and concerns of over 8.9 million Texans who duly-elected, and are represented by, Democratic members in the House and Senate. Abbott’s and Patrick’s divide-Texas approach disenfranchises a group of Texans larger than the populations of Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico combined.

Abbott and Patrick will say many times over the next several days that they love Texas. Their actions expose their words as hollow and dishonest.”