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GOP leaders preen while children were abused, neglected and left in squalor

Democratic Congresswoman Veronica Escobar took action to stop it.

The so-called “Big Three” leaders in Texas – Governor Greg Abbott, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and House Speaker Dennis Bonnen – assembled the Austin press corps last Friday to throw out their chests and announce sending more money and 1,000 more Texas national guard members to the Texas border.  Each of them expressed alarm at the number of immigrants crossing our border and complained loudly about Congress not doing its job. 

What did Abbott, Patrick and Bonnen fail to mention even one time?

Horrendous neglect and abuse of kids in Texas

Undisputed media reports detailed how children detained in Texas are put in overcrowded holding cells and kept in squalor – sleeping on concrete floors, poorly fed, inadequate medical care, no soap, toothpaste or toothbrushes, left unbathed and without a change of clothes for weeks. Sadly, preteens are told to care for toddlers. Not once did any of the “Big Three” express a word of concern about the treatment of children on Texas soil by Trump officials. And, not once in the three full days since their press conference have Abbott, Patrick, or Bonnen made any public statement or made any move to help the children being abused in Texas.

Dem Congresswoman Veronica Escobar took action

While Abbott, Patrick, Bonnen and other Trump party chest thumpers ignored child abuse, Democratic Congresswoman Veronica Escobar (CD16 – El Paso) acted to stop it.  Congresswoman Escobar called on both U.S. Customs and the Border Patrol to address the issue immediately and to move the children to facilities where proper care can be provided.  Her efforts paid off, and the immediate emergency is being addressed. 

Can any Texas Republican find the courage to call out Donald Trump?

There is apparently no Donald Trump statement too vile or action so reckless, meanspirited or irresponsible that moves Texas Republicans to speak out against him.

Delays, mismanagement and abuse have been problems at the border for years, but it is clear that things have gotten worse under the Trump administration.  Yet, no Texas Republican – at the state level or in Congress – has found the courage to call out Donald Trump and demand that Texas not be used as the setting for horrendous abuse and neglect of children. 

The cowardliness of Texas Republicans who are – across the board – unwilling to speak out and act to stop child abuse in our state is nearly as reprehensible as the abuse itself.

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