U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s No-Mask Tribute to Donald Trump

While Houston hospitals fill with COVID-19 patients, Trump Republican Dan Crenshaw gives the virus a boost

While the deadly COVID-19 virus is spiking in Harris County, threatening lives and straining healthcare resources to the limit, the virus is getting a boost from Freshman Congressman and Donald Trump acolyte Dan Crenshaw (TX CD 2 – Houston).

On Friday at Heights Bier Garten in the heart of Harris County, Crenshaw hosted a no-mask, no social distancing meet-and-greet for local Trumpers who didn’t want to drive all the way to Tulsa to be exposed to the coronavirus. Last night, Crenshaw sat next to Dan Patrick at a “packed house” Kingwood Tea Party event at Tin Roof Barbecue just hours after Greg Abbott begged Texans to use masks and practice social distancing.

Instead of taking actions to keep his constituents safe or setting a common-sense example, Crenshaw has decided to be a virus vector, staging and attending events where there is little doubt that exposure to and sickness from COVID-19 will result.

Local health officials, along with diligent city and county leaders, are working intently in Harris County to cope with the spike in confirmed cases of COVID19 and new hospital admissions that threaten to strain health care resources to the breaking point. Just today, the Houston Chronicle reported, “If trends persist, Houston ‘would become the worst affected city in the US.

Crenshaw has paid lip service to wearing masks but didn’t show the good sense or basic decency to protect the health of his own donors, or anyone else in Houston they may contact. Harris County just passed a commonsense public health order requiring masks that even Greg Abbott approves.

Crenshaw, however, has gone full-Trump, embracing the reckless mindset that off-the-edge ideology is more important than the opinion of doctors, other health care experts, or public health generally.

Before coming to Congress, Dan Crenshaw was defined almost exclusively by his military record. Now, after more than a year in Congress, it has become clear that Crenshaw has embraced another mission – advancing himself by appealing to the most extreme elements of the Republican party and serving as an extension of Donald Trump and all of his dangerous dysfunction.

Dan Crenshaw gets close with a fundraiser attendee.  That’s deposed & disgraced former Harris County Clerk Stan Stanart photo bombing in the back.

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