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Assessing DeLay’s Damage to Texas Congressional Clout

Congressional Redistricting and DeLay's Ethics Problems Cost Texas Clout
While the media and politicians typically focus on the partisan battles that take place in Congress, many important decisions, particularly the appropriation of funds, are settled on a regional basis where seniority and key committee leadership play an important role. While Tom DeLay delivered a valuable political gift to national Republicans with Texas redistricting, he placed a burden on Texas citizens fighting for their fair share of federal resources. In the process, he lost his own leadership position, put his political career at risk, and squandered his ability to assist his home state. DeLay’s most repeated quote, “I’m the Majority Leader, and I want more seats” (Source: Washington Post, 1/19/2003) now has an ironic twist. Republicans do indeed have more seats, but DeLay is no longer the Leader and Texas voters no longer benefit from a powerful House delegation in Congress.

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