Top Perry Operative linked to Head of Green Party/GOP Ballot Scam

Documents obtained by the Lone Star Project reveal that Rick Perry’s top political advisor Dave Carney has a long and direct link to the manager of the Texas Green Party/GOP ballot scam. In 2004, Carney teamed-up with Texas ballot scam leader Tim Mooney to gather signatures to put Ralph Nader on the ballot in order to assist the George W. Bush Presidential campaign.
Documents obtained by the Lone Star Project reveal that Rick Perry’s top political advisor Dave Carney has a long and direct link to the manager of the Texas Green Party/GOP ballot scam.  In 2004, Carney teamed-up with Texas ballot scam leader Tim Mooney to gather signatures to put Ralph Nader on the ballot in order to assist the George W. Bush Presidential campaign. 

In 2004, Carney worked with a group called “Choices for America, LLC” which was “run” by Mooney – the same Republican operative who collected signatures for the Green Party of Texas in 2010.  (Dallas Morning News, August 12, 2004) Both Choices for America, LLC, the shell group used in 2004, and Take Initiative America, LLC the shell group used in 2010, are registered to Charles Hurth III.  (Missouri SOS)

According to the Dallas Morning News, “Perry campaign spokesman Mark Miner said the governor’s campaign had nothing to do with the petition-gathering effort.”  It now appears that statement is likely not true. 

Who is Dave Carney?

Dave Carney is Rick Perry’s “top political consultant.” (Source: Houston Chronicle, March 10, 2010) Carney has been with Perry since 2000 and Perry’s campaign has paid Carney’s firm more than $2 million dollars.   (Source: Texas Ethics Commission)

Who is Tim Mooney?

Tim Mooney is a Republican political operative from Nevada who uses ballot initiatives and petitions to advance Republican causes and get third party candidates on the ballot to harm Democrats. (Dallas Morning News, June 7, 2010, SilverBullet LLC website)

In 2004, Mooney worked with a group called Choices for America, that was funded by Republicans in order to get Ralph Nader on the ballot in competitive states. The group was registered by a Charles Hurth III.

Most recently in 2010, Mooney arranged for a donor to give more than $200,000 to a shell group called Take Initiative America, to pay for a petition drive to get the Green Party on the ballot in Texas.  (Dallas Morning News, June 7, 2010)

When did Carney work with Mooney?

According to a Dallas Morning News story from 2004, “Dave Carney hired more than two dozen temporary workers to gather signatures for Mr. Nader, saying he believes the effort will boost President Bush’s chances for re-election… Mr. Carney said he was working at the request of a nonprofit group that supports ballot access, Choices for America.” (Dallas Morning News, August 12, 2004) Tim Mooney’s website lists his work experience including, ““running grassroots efforts through Choices for America in … New Hampshire,” in 2004. (SilverBullet LLC website)

A complaint was filed with the FEC in 2004 alleging that Carney and Mooney’s work constituted an illegal corporate contribution to Nader for President.  Ultimately, Carney and his other partners at Norway Hill Associates were required to split the cost personally and report an in-kind donation to Nader.  (Source: FEC MUR 5513, August 15, 2005)

Time for Rick Perry to come clean and to fire Dave Carney

Rick Perry has misled Texas voters by clearly implying that his campaign had no connection to the Texas Green Party/GOP ballot scandal now underway.  The Carney connection to Mooney and Hurth should have been disclosed to the public and Rick Perry’s failure to do so is an inexcusable breach of trust.  Rick Perry should immediately terminate any political, official and/or financial relationship with Dave Carney and apologize for failing to disclose his campaign’s connection to the ballot scandal.

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