
That’s right. Mike Toomey owns an island. Being Rick Perry’s former Chief of Staff and close political confidant is apparently quite lucrative. What’s more, Toomey owns the island – which is located on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire – jointly with top Perry political strategist, Dave Carney. (Source: New Hampshire Secretary of State)

Parker Island

That’s right. Mike Toomey owns an island. Being Rick Perry’s former Chief of Staff and close political confidant is apparently quite lucrative. What’s more, Toomey owns the island – which is located on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire – jointly with top Perry political strategist, Dave Carney. (Source: New Hampshire Secretary of State)

Efforts have been underway this week to serve Toomey with a Court-issued subpoena demanding that he appear for questioning under oath. Toomey is subject to questioning after a witness testified under oath that he played a key role in the Rick Perry/Green Party ballot scandal. So far, Toomey has dodged the subpoena.

Toomey beating the heat and the “Heat
The New Hampshire shoreline is not only a good place to escape the 100-degree Texas weather; it’s also a good place to avoid Travis County Sheriff’s Deputies with subpoenas. The Lone Star Project has learned that Toomey has so-far ducked the process server by fleeing to the New Hampshire shores and staying at his luxury island hideaway. Of course, when Toomey returns to “mainland” Austin, the subpoena will be waiting.

Mike Toomey strolls to his private island dock

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