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Romney out-of-touch claims supported

Recently, I made public statements characterizing Mitt Romney as out of touch with average Americans and disconnected from the middle class. The Lone Star Project has been asked to give further details to support these statements, which we are happy to provide below.
Dear Friends,

Recently, I made public statements characterizing Mitt Romney as out of touch with average Americans and disconnected from the middle class. The Lone Star Project has been asked to give further details to support these statements, which we are happy to provide below.

Matt Angle 
Lone Star Project Director

Romney’s record reveals a man without empathy, perspective or an ability to understand middle-class Americans

The Romney campaign is working feverishly to change the subject and convince the media to move beyond his statement on Libya and the airing of his secretly recorded comments at a GOP fundraiser. However, if the Romney campaign remains untracked and he loses to President Obama, it will be a mistake to focus blame on tactics, staff decisions, poor timing or even bad luck. A large part of the blame must go to Mitt Romney himself. His clear disconnect with ordinary day-to-day American life combined with his dismissive and uncaring statements reveal a person who has neither empathy nor even a fundamental understanding of those who live, work and sometimes struggle to get ahead in mainstream America.

As a privileged bully in prep schoolcranbrook

Mitt Romney chased down, held down and forcibly cut the hair of a classmate who dared to be different by dying his hair and wearing it longer than other students.

During the same period of time, Romney cruelly closed a door in front of a sight-impaired teacher causing the instructor to run into the door.

Romney’s Dog’s life

Rather than find room in their vehicle or make arrangements for their dog to be boarded or to be cared for by friends, Romney crated and packed the family dog on the roof of his car and took off on a drive lasting several hours. Romney related the story as an amusing anecdote not seeming to realize that most thinking and caring pet owners could not imagine crating and tying their dog to the roof of their car and then speeding down the highway.

Romney and Bain – Money first, people whatever 

Mitt Romney was born into a comfortable life and a wealthy family, yet he made his fortune after founding and managing Bain Capital. While there has been much written and said about whether the actions of Bain were appropriate for a profit making business, one thing is clear and undisputed – the focus of Bain was to make money for its owners and investors. The fate of workers and the companies acquired and sold were secondary concerns if of any concern at all.

Mitt’s Uncaring Campaign

Romney’s lifelong inability to understand or relate to middle class Americans or anyone who struggles to overcome hardship and make ends meet has revealed itself over and over during the 2012 campaign.

  • The freeloading 47 percent– Romney’s now well known comments that 47 percent of the electorate believe “they are victims” and “government has a responsibility to care for them” have been excused as a straight-forward discussion of campaign tactics and strategy. That view is simply not credible. Romney was making a value judgment revealing his feelings about nearly half of the voting public.
  • “Corporations are people”– While he said it months ago, Romney’s declarative statement that corporations are people shows his natural inclination to identify with, and rationalize policy benefitting, corporations.
  • “I like to fire people”– Romney’s almost cheerful declaration that he enjoys firing people is also revealing. Very few business owners, managers or supervisors enjoy terminating an employee. For most, it is a heart-wrenching last resort. For Romney to make such a public statement shows an absolute disconnect not only to those who might be fired, but to those who must make the decision to fire an employee, knowing the hardship it might bring to their family.

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