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Abbott’s Record Dishonors LBJ Legacy

Abbott leads the attack on basic voting rights
Prominent Americans from both parties—including Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter—have taken time this week to be part of the moving tribute to former President Lyndon B. Johnson, recognizing his courageous work to win passage of the U.S. Civil and Voting Rights Acts. Even former Republican National Committee Chair and Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour attended—and spoke eloquently.

While LBJ’s legacy of progress and justice are being praised, we should also recognize that it is under attack by Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott.

As attorney general, Abbott has led the assault on Hispanic and African American Texans to keep them from participating in the democratic process and electing their candidates of choice.

Greg Abbott’s shameful desire to undermine the voting rights of Hispanic and African American citizens has made Texas the only state in the nation to adopt district lines and a voter ID law found to be in violation of the U.S. Voting Rights Act.

Abbott’s hostility to minority Texans is compounded by his hypocrisy.

Last year, Lone Star Project issued a rebuttal to Abbott’s op-ed that dishonestly characterized the history of Texas, the meaning of the Voting Rights Act and his actions as attorney general

Texans, regardless of political affiliation, can be proud that it was a fellow Texan in the White House 50 years ago who had the wisdom and courage to propose and see through to adoption the U.S. Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts. President Johnson risked his legacy and invested every ounce of his energy and influence to help more fully realize the ideal of “justice for all.”

As we look back through the lens of time, President Johnson is not just larger than life—he is a giant.

When we turn that telescope around, we see the smallness of Greg Abbott.

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