Video: The Danger Next Door

Before the smoke had even cleared after the tragic chemical explosion in the town of West, Greg Abbott turned up—along with a lot of other politicians—trying to get on TV. But what did Greg Abbott do when he actually had a chance to prevent future tragedies like this?

Before the smoke had even cleared after the tragic chemical explosion in the town of West, Greg Abbott turned up—along with a lot of other politicians—trying to get on TV.

But what did Greg Abbott do when he actually had a chance to prevent future tragedies like this?

He came down on the side of the chemical companies—allowing them to hide from the public the details about deadly chemicals now being stored in small towns and suburbs all across Texas.

Abbott reversed a state policy that once gave Texans a way to find out exactly what kinds of chemicals were being stockpiled in their neighborhoods—near their homes, their schools and hospitals.

Greg Abbott’s decision shocked Tommy Muska, the mayor of West.

“If we learned anything about the explosion in West, it’s there is a lack of knowledge of where these chemicals are stored,” he said.

Why on earth would Greg Abbott do this?

It’s really very simple.

Greg Abbott cares more about helping insiders and catering to his political cronies than he does about protecting hardworking Texans.

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