Ask Konni Burton

On Sunday, candidates to fill Wendy Davis’ Senate District 10 (Fort Worth) open seat will finally go head-to-head on WFAA Channel 8’s Inside Texas Politics.

On Sunday, candidates to fill Wendy Davis’ Senate District 10 (Fort Worth) open seat will finally go head-to-head on WFAA Channel 8’s Inside Texas Politics.

Tea Party Republican candidate Konni Burton (Colleyville), has avoided explaining a number of odd and highly divisive views and positions she has taken to rally her highly ideological base of supporters. On Sunday’s Inside Texas Politics program, Burton will be in a forum where honesty and direct answers should be expected.

Below are five straight-forward questions that Burton has dodged with Tea Party rhetoric and/or indirect rambling. If asked these common-sense questions during the forum, will Burton answer clearly and directly or will she stick to Tea Party talking points and hope other voters never hold her accountable? 

Question – Neighborhood Safety: Does Konni Burton support a statewide fire code to help avoid the tragic loss of life and property damage like occurred in the West, Texas chemical explosion and fire?

Background: In an April 2014 television appearance, Burton failed to answer directly and vaguely said she was “weary” of such mandates. Burton’s refusal to more fully answer an important and relevant question comes barely a year after the deadly West fertilizer explosion. A 2014 report by the federal Chemical Safety Board made clear that the explosion in West would have been preventable if the company had taken the necessary “steps to avert a preventable fire and explosion”. The same report noted that Texas’ lack of having a state fire code prevent operators, such as in West, from accountability in storing dangerous chemicals.

Question – Victims of Rape & Incest: Does Burton oppose abortion even when the pregnancy results from rape or incest and what penalty would she impose on victims of rape incest if they do choose to terminate their pregnancy?

Background: In the recent Texas gubernatorial debate, Republican candidate Greg Abbott confirmed his position that even women who are victims of rape or incest should not have the right to make a decision on how a resulting pregnancy would be managed. More recently, a Republican consultant Matt Mackowiak, while advocating for Abbott, said on Inside Texas Politics that rape and incest are “minor issues.”

Question – Predatory Payday Lenders: Why has Burton broken with religious leaders like the local Catholic Church and with consumer advocates to accept thousands of dollars from predatory pay day lenders?

Background: The Lone Star Project recently reported that Konni Burton has taken over $16,000 from the payday lending industry this year – more than any other Texas active candidate for State Senate in 2014.

Question – Equal Pay: Does Konni Burton join Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick and other GOP leaders in opposing a law that requires equal pay for equal work in Texas?

Background: Fellow Tea Party candidate Dan Patrick recently said he doesn’t think equal pay for equal work “is a problem”. This comes after Greg Abbott said that he would have vetoed an equal pay bill if elected Governor. Texas women on average are paid 79 cents on the dollar for the same work as a man. Women and African Americans working within Greg Abbott’s office are paid less than Anglo men doing the same jobs.

Question – Texas Public Schools: Does Burton support Greg Abbott’s decision to appeal a State District Court ruling that the Texas school finance system is unconstitutional or will she call on Abbott to drop the appeal and stop litigating against over 600 Texas public school districts, 9 of which are within Tarrant County?

Background: In 2011, the GOP controlled Texas legislature cut over $5 billion in education funding from Texas public schools. These cuts led to public school districts across Texas filing a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the massive cuts. Nine Tarrant County public school districts joined the suit. Greg Abbott is opposing the school districts in court and defending the $5 billion cut in funding. Last month, a state district judge ruled against Abbott and found the current school finance system to be unconstitutional. Rather than work with public school districts and Legislative leaders to bring the finance system into compliance with our State Constitution, Abbott appealed the Court ruling and continuing to litigate against Texas public school districts.


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