TX AG Ken Paxton Indicted on Criminal Felony Charges

A grand jury in Ken Paxton’s home base of Collin County has indicted him on three felony counts for securities fraud and other crimes. If convicted, Paxton could be sentenced to imprisonment in the state penitentiary. Commenting on the indictments, Lone Star Project Director Matt Angle said, "Texans deserve an AG who spends his time putting lawbreakers in jail rather than one desperately trying to avoid jail time himself."
A grand jury in Ken Paxton’s home base of Collin County has indicted him on three felony counts for securities fraud and other crimes. If convicted, Paxton could be sentenced to imprisonment in the state penitentiary.

Commented on the indictments, Lone Star Project Director Matt Angle said, “Texans deserve an AG who spends his time putting lawbreakers in jail rather than one desperately trying to avoid jail time himself.”

Political Witch Hunt Excuse Not Available to Paxton

Paxton cannot hide behind the argument that the prosecution is politically motivated. Paxton has been embroiled in scandal for well over a year, and allegations against him have been leveled by Republicans, Democrats and nonpartisan citizen watchdog organizations. Paxton’s Republican primary opponents shined a light on his violations in early 2014. The Lone Star Project has researched and detailed improper actions since last year as well. Finally, the nonpartisan organization Texans for Public Justice filed the formal complaint that ultimately led to evidence being presented before the grand jury.

Different and Worse than Perry or DeLay Prosecutions

The current abuse of power prosecution of Rick Perry and the past prosecution of Tom DeLay originated in Travis County allowing them both to falsely argue they were being unfairly targeted in a heavily Democratic County. This argument is unavailable to Paxton. Collin County is Paxton’s home county and is one of the most reliably Republican counties in Texas. Moreover, Perry and DeLay were prosecuted for actions they took as elected officials and/or candidates to protect or extend their political power. Paxton has been indicted for criminal actions involving defrauding other Texans, taking their money in order to enrich himself.

Comments by Lone Star Project Director Matt Angle

  • “Ken Paxton engaged in greedy and dishonest scams to enrich himself and then tried to brush past it all with arrogant disregard and disrespect for the law. Fortunately, the Texas Rangers zeroed in on the facts and and the grand jury acted to ensure that Ken Paxton will be prosecuted for his crimes.”
  • “Paxton has neither the public confidence nor the moral authority needed to fulfill the responsibilities of Texas Attorney General. Ken Paxton will now be focused on avoiding prison making him unfit to continue as our state’s highest law enforcement official.”

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