Abbott Breaks Border Pledge to Texans

Abbott endorses Trump and fails to speak out against his anti-Hispanic insults and attacks

While running for Governor in 2014, Greg Abbott told highly respected McAllen Monitor Editor Carlos Sanchez that as Governor he would take anti-Hispanic comments personally and hold all other Republicans accountable for any anti-Hispanic views and speech.  Abbott said: 

If there is somebody who makes a comment that is anti-Hispanic, that is a comment that is directed at me and my family. . . I will ensure from the top of the ticket to the bottom of the ticket in our party that we are reaching [out] to send a positive message. . .”

What about Donald Trump, whose campaign is driven by anti-Hispanic views and insults?

Donald Trump has pretty much set the standard for attacking and vilifying Hispanics in order to win support from the anti-Hispanic core of the Republican Party.  Here is video of just the most well-known Trump attacks and insults.

Abbott is breaking his word

Now that Greg Abbott is Governor and the anti-Hispanic faction of the Republican Party is stronger than ever, he has reneged on his pledge.  Just yesterday, in an interview given while hawking his book, Abbott confirmed his endorsement of Donald Trump and blew past any comment on Trump’s over-the-top attacks and insults.  In fact, before launching into a full-throated attack on Hillary Clinton, Abbott dishonestly implied that Trump’s anti-Hispanic statements and views are no more harmful or mean-spirited than statements or views by Mitt Romney or John McCain.   

Trump now speaks for Abbott and other GOP endorsers

Donald Trump has gone far beyond raising concerns about security or calling for a border wall.  He has made vilifying Hispanics a central feature of his campaign.  And it has worked for him, bringing support from the large and hostile anti-Hispanic activists within the Republican Party.  

Greg Abbott and other Republicans who endorse Trump are accepting and indirectly promoting his divisive and destructive attacks on Hispanics living in Texas and throughout the country.

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