Statement by Lone Star Project Director Matt Angle on Ken Paxton Accepting Over $300,000 to Pay for His Criminal Defense

“Texans shouldn’t be stuck with a corrupt Attorney General who goes hat in hand borrowing money to stay out of jail. 
Financial disclosure reports show Ken Paxton has taken over $300,000 in gifts from so-called friends to help pay for his criminal defense in 2015 alone.   Six months have already passed in 2016, so it’s likely that Paxton has panhandled hundreds of thousands of dollars more.  People don’t give that type of money without expecting something in exchange.  Paxton should immediately release an up-to-date list of who else has given him money this year to pay for his criminal defense.
“Paxton is now beholden to people who Texans can’t hold accountable.   The honorable path for him is to step down and wait for his day in court.  Paxton’s already shown himself to be dishonorable. The least he can do is reveal the people he’s sold out to.”

Matt Angle is founder and director of the Lone Star Project, a Texas Democratic PAC.

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