Today, Greg Abbott begins his re-election campaign in San Antonio – the same spot he announced his campaign for Texas Governor four years ago. Back in 2013, Abbott opened the campaign saying he would “keep Texas the #1 economy in the nation.” That’s a bold promise but it’s type of campaign bluster typically made by Abbott, never thinking he’ll be held accountable. Well, Lone Star Project staff and volunteers were watching, listening and documenting Abbott’s appearance in San Antonio and have continued to track him since. So, don’t take Greg Abbott at his word. Lone Star Project cameras, recorders and researchers mean that we can measure Abbott’s rhetoric against his record. Take a look at the facts, and hold Greg Abbott accountable. We think you’ll agree with us. Three years in, Greg Abbott has taken shape as the weakest, least effective Texas Governor in decades. Spoiler alert: Remember Abbott’s very first promise about keeping the Texas economy #1 – he broke it. Lone Star Project tracking “Tracking” is capturing video, audio and other direct verification of words and/or actions in real time. The Lone Star Project’s 2014 election cycle volunteer tracking operation captured hundreds of hours of video from Abbott events from El Paso to Amarillo, Beaumont to Brownsville and most places in between. As Abbott kicks off his re-election, Lone Star Project has compared some of Abbott’s speeches to his record and the results are revealing. Greg Abbott makes and breaks promises. He puffs himself up while pandering to the most destructive and divisive forces within the Republican Party. Take a look: Abbott’s Broken Promise on Texas Jobs and Economy |