Konni Burton Bankrolled by Out of Town Billionaire

Burton dependent upon a billionaire ideologue and out-of-town oil money
District 10 State Senator Konni Burton had barely been sworn into office before she began picking fights with local voters, waging war on local officials and carrying water for out-of-town ideologues.  Rather than advocate for neighborhood schools, job creation or regional economic interests, Burton immediately embraced “Big Government Republicanism” and began empowering statewide ideologues with authority to undermine and override local Tarrant County interests.
A look at Burton’s most recent campaign finance report gives some insight into why Konni Burton turns her back on District 10 and opens her arms to divisive ideologues and out of town special interests.  Here are two quick facts that tell the story:

  • Fewer than 1 out of 4 dollars received from Konni Burton comes from the district.  In fact, only 20 percent of the money raised on her June 30th report came from within Senate District 10. 
  • Billionaire Tim Dunn and his big government Republican PAC, Empower Texans, are Burton’s largest donors.  In fact, at least 30 percent of the money listed in her most recent report came from Dunn, his cronies or his PAC.  Tim Dunn is a West Texas-based ideologue who is virulently opposed to neighborhood schools, local control and common-sense public safety.  He uses his special interest PAC, Empower Texans, to harass not only constructive Democrats but also fair-minded Republicans.  A look behind most of Konni Burton’s actions will reveal Tim Dunn and Empower Texans. 

It’s early, but the frames are set for the 2018 race in Texas Senate District 10. 
Konni Burton will work to divide voters on harsh ideological grounds and duck responsibility to addressing or solving problems.  She will lean on and rely upon out-of-district interests who are hostile to public education, local control and economic development

Democratic candidate and Burleson School Board Trustee, Beverly Powell, will work to build a coalition to promote unity and local solutions.  She will look to local voters and local interests while conveying a deep commitment to public education and economic growth. 

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