Konni Burton’s Bad Weekend

Burton Puts Economy “at Risk” and Pushes a Massive Sales Tax Increase While Fort Worth Star-Telegram Endorses Strongest Dem Opponent
Texas District 10 Senator Konni Burton had quite a weekend.  Between last Friday and Sunday afternoon, Burton was raked over the coals as an economic risk, called for a massive increase in the state sales tax and saw her strongest opponent endorsed for the Democratic Primary nomination by Tarrant County’s major daily newspaper, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Burton Bad for Business

In a scathing column posted last Friday, former Arlington Mayor and Bush Regional EPA Administrator Richard Greene slammed Konni Burton for following the blind ideological directions of special interest funders rather than supporting policies and incentives that promote economic growth and create jobs.  Here are some highlights:

  • “It’s hard to tell whether state Sen. Konni Burton has actually examined the reasons for the booming Texas economy, or if she is just following the mandates of those who lavishly fund her campaigns.”
  • “One analysis reveals that as much as 80 percent of her dollars come from donors outside her Senate district.”
  • “The preponderance of her funding can be traced to the statist organization Empower Texans and its big-money benefactors who sponsor the notion that we would all be better off if all the power were centered in Austin instead of our own hometown communities.”

Burton Backs Massive Sales Tax Increase

North Texans are used to Konni Burton’s quirky delivery and hyper-partisan approach in media interviews.  However, even some Senate District 10 Republicans may have been surprised by Burton’s recent Inside Texas Politics interview where she called for a massive consumption/sales tax increase that could raise the price of everything from hand soap to a new home.  According to taxfoundation.org Texas already has the 12th highest sales tax in the nation. Burton wants it to go even higher.


Star-Telegram Endorses Democrat Beverly Powell as Best Candidate to Oppose Konni Burton

The Star-Telegram endorsement is a boost for Democratic Beverly Powell and a blow to Konni Burton.  Beverly Powell has already demonstrated strong and broad support from a broad cross-section of Senate District 10 voters and community leaders.  She outraised Burton over the last six months of 2017. Powell has deep roots in Tarrant County, and her impressive civic, business and community service not only exceeds her Democratic opponent but goes far beyond anything Konni Burton had done before or since her election in 2014.  Key highlights:

  • “Powell has served as an elected trustee on the Burleson school board for the past 10 years and could hit the ground running if the legislature reforms education funding. She’s served on the Texas Wesleyan board of trustees for 17 years, has experience raising money for college scholarships and working with businesses to provide higher education opportunities.”
  • “Powell is better equipped to wage an informed debate with Burton over tax incentives offered to lure businesses. She believes government incentives can close deals and create good jobs.”

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