Harris County Democratic Commissioners honor the fallen victims of the El Paso Shooting

Who Would Use the Murders In El Paso as an Opportunity for Partisanship and Obstruction? Steve Radack and Jack Cagle

Harris County Commissioners Steve Radack (Precinct 3) and Jack Cagle (Precinct 4) have turned nearly everything into a partisan fight – even a straight-forward resolution offered by Commissioner Rodney Ellis proclaiming solidarity with the victims of the El Paso massacre.

The resolution can be viewed here.

Zach Despart of the Houston Chronicle put it well:

“On a 3-2 vote, the trio of Democrats supported the item by Precinct 1 Commissioner Rodney Ellis, which urged the county to examine ways to help prevent violence and hate-motivated crimes.

“The party line vote was typical of this often-divided group which has seldom found itself acting in unison since Democrats took control in January. A settlement proposal in the county’s landmark bail lawsuit and a resolution urging federal immigration reform passed by an identical tally.”

Jack Cagle & Steve Radack Rejected Condolences, Defending Assault Weapons and Hate

Incredibly, the resolution language opposing hate crimes set Commissioner Jack Cagle off. He objected and offered an amendment removing it.  The effort by Cagle – and supported by Radack –  to defend hate crimes is extraordinary. The FBI, along with respected academic research, confirms hate crimes are surging in our country.  Here in the Houston-area, hate crimes have nearly doubled.

From the FBI report:

Cagle also stuck up for military-style assault weapons by trying to block any discussion of the type of weapon used in the El Paso murders. 

Commissioner Ellis’ resolution was approved on a final vote and the partisan intent of Republican commissioners became evident during the process.  Cagle and Radack didn’t just vote FOR their amendment, they voted AGAINST the Ellis resolution, going on record OPPOSING condolences to the victims and families attacked in El Paso, leaving Democrats to approve it on a 3-2 party-line vote.

Cagle and Radack have chosen partisanship and obstruction

Steve Radack and Jack Cagle had a choice to make earlier this year – respect the decision of voters and work constructively with the new Democratic majority on the Commissioners Court OR take every opportunity to sow division, look for partisan advantage and stop any constructive action.  They’ve chosen the latter.

 Houston Chronicle Columnist Erica Grieder put it best:“…our failure to take meaningful action in response to such crimes is indefensible as well as absurd. The Second Amendment protects the individual right to keep and bear arms, not to acquire weapons of war on demand — with no questions asked, and without any sort of background check or waiting period.”

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