Will Douglas’ District Shopping and Devotion to Trump Disrespects Voters

For Douglas, it’s Trump first. Voters? Maybe never.

Two messages come through loud and clear with Republican House District 113 nominee Will Douglas: 1) He is fully committed to Donald Trump; and 2) He expects District 113 to commit to him BEFORE he commits to them.

Douglas’ motivation for running appears to be based on blind devotion to Donald Trump. And, he filed to run for the Texas House of Representatives in State House District 113 even though he has no apparent ties to the district. Douglas has gamed the rules around candidate residency to run for office giving himself the chance to promote his Trump agenda while never really moving into the district.

Douglas—a pharmacist, conservative activist and a self-proclaimed staunch Trump supporter—owns a home in the Uptown area of Dallas close to where two of his pharmacies are located. But he recently rented temporary housing in Southeast Dallas so that he could meet the eligibility requirement for office in HD 113 before the December 9, 2019 filing deadline. The earliest Douglas could have rented the property was in July of 2019, as shown by these records:

As an aspiring politician, Douglas saw an opportunity to manipulate the rules in seeking out a place to launch his political career. He’s not from East Dallas and has no business in East Dallas. Like Trump, Douglas is an opportunist looking for an audience, but he may find his right-wing stances on the issues a tough sell for the hard working people of House District 113.

Douglas has praised Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and is on the record supporting the repeal of the Affordable Care Act which would take away coverage for pre-existing conditions. Douglas has also taken thousands in donations from pro-voucher groups whose missions are to defund our public schools.

The people of Texas House District 113 cannot afford a Trump Republican like Will Douglas, an outsider who cares less about the neighborhood and more about finding a place to push a conservative agenda.

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