Paxton Praises Traitor Mob Who Attacked US Capitol

“I was there. They were just amazing people”

During an interview with talk show host Mark Davis earlier today, Ken Paxton again defiled his office and abandoned all sense of decency by praising traitor protestors who included rioters who attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, saying “I was there. They were just amazing people.”

Stark, undeniable video evidence of the criminal mob storming the U.S. Capitol, beating police officers and calling for the deaths of the Vice President and the House Speaker has played before millions of Americans and burned the traitorous insurrection into our memories, creating an indelible stain on American history.

All along, Ken Paxton has disgraced his office and our state by filing phony and frivolous lawsuits promoting the Big Lie of election fraud when, in reality, the only legitimate charge of illegality surrounding Paxton is his own criminal indictment.

Now, Paxton is joining Trump sycophants in Congress who are denying truth and trying to rewrite history by claiming that the traitors who attacked our Capitol are something different than the violent mob video evidence confirms them to be.

Over the next many weeks, expect Paxton and other Trump Republicans in Texas to appear on shows hosted by paid-to-lie provocateurs like Mark Davis. They not only want to somehow convince Texans not to believe their own eyes, but to stake out the most extreme pro-Trump position possible – which appears to be the only way to secure a nomination in a contested Texas Republican Primary.

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