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Video: Lone Star Project Sounds Alarm on Alex Mealer’s MAGA Campaign

“Alexandra Mealer is a MAGA candidate, period. Don’t believe her charade."

Alexandra Mealer is joining the long line of conspiracy theorists and right-wing extremists who are running under the MAGA banner this election cycle. The Lone Star Project is sounding the alarm on what Mealer’s candidacy really means for the people of Harris County.

You can watch the video here:

“Alexandra Mealer is a MAGA candidate, period,” said Matt Angle, founder and director of the Lone Star Project. “Don’t believe her charade. She’s a Trump acolyte promoting the same right-wing agenda we see tearing communities apart all over the country. She would be a dangerous disaster for Harris County.”

MAGA Mealer is supported by radical extremists like Steve Hotze, Concerned Women for America and former King Street Patriots members. She holds Trump-world views like forcing raped children to endure childbirth while denying lifesaving care to women dying during failed pregnancies and supports anti-vax activists who want to block access to life-saving medicine for even vulnerable children.

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