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Tarrant County Voters Beware – Don’t Fall for Taxin’ Tim O’Hare

GOP Tarrant County Judge Candidate Tim O'Hare has a history of running his mouth while getting his hands in voters’ pockets.

As the Lone Star Project video warns below, beware of Taxin’ Tim O’Hare, the fast-talking lawyer from Dallas who has a history of running his mouth while getting his hands in voters’ pockets.

Taxin’ Tim is a MAGA Trumper

Tim O’Hare is the MAGA Trumper who defeated mainstream former Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price in the Republican Primary for Tarrant County Judge. His nomination fully established that MAGA/Q-Anon/Insurrection activists now control the Republican Party in Tarrant County. O’Hare’s bid to replace respected current Judge Glen Whitley is backed by Trump MAGA marchers all around.

The first Trump-style scam O’Hare is running on Tarrant County voters is a big lie on taxes. O’Hare is not a tax cutter. In fact, he has earned the name “Taxin’ Tim O’Hare” after voting to raise taxes over and over again as mayor of Farmer’s Branch in Dallas County.

Here’s Taxin’ Tim’s Record:

Increases in Property Taxes

  • On September 15, 2009, Tim O’Hare presided over the Farmers Branch City Council as mayor and allowed a vote to increase the property tax rate to 51.95 cents per $100 value, despite a 2.5 percent property value increase over the previous year. The rate increase, plus the rise in property values, resulted in a 9.3 percent increase in the effective tax rate for 2009. (Source: Farmers Branch City Council Minutes, September 15, 2009)  

Failure to Lower Property Taxes After Home Value Increases

Increases in Other Taxes

  • On September 19, 2005, Tim O’Hare voted for a 13.5 percent rate increase for water and sewer services.  According to council minutes, the average increase would amount to about $6.87 more per month, per residential user.  The increase was opposed by one council member who stated the increase should only be 3 percent, not 13.5 percent.  The council also voted to increase the after-school program by $10 per month and $2 per day for the Holiday Craze Program. (Source: Farmers Branch City Council Minutes, September 19, 2005)

Matt Angle, Founder and Executive Director of the Lone Star Project, gave a warning to Tarrant residents: “Tarrant County has a long history of electing mainstream, common-sense leaders for County Judge – Tim O’Hare isn’t one of them. O’Hare is another MAGA Trumper and fake conservative whose record proves he loves tax hikes. All of us Tarrant County voters need to put both hands on our wallets and say “no” to Taxin’ Tim O’Hare.”

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