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Video: MAGA Jack Cagle ‘Turned His Back on the Blue’

Harris County Commissioner Cagle repeatedly voted to cut funding for law enforcement and is walking away from millions in new funding for public safety.

In a video release, the Lone Star Project details how Republican Harris County Commissioner “MAGA” Jack Cagle has voted against critical police resources and is now leading an assault on public safety by torpedoing millions of dollars in new funds the Democratic-led Commissioners Court has allocated for law enforcement.

“MAGA Jack Cagle has turned his back on the blue and fallen in line with the dangerous Trump MAGA extremists who call the shots for Republicans in Harris County,” said Lone Star Project founder Matt Angle. “Cagle’s anti-cop actions expose his dishonest rhetoric on law enforcement. He has walked out on cops and his constituents and is lying to them while he’s doing it.”

Here are the facts:

Jack Cagle walked out of two budget votes in the last two years. His actions blocked increased funding options for more cops on the street, pay raises, and even bullet proof vests. A Houston Chronical editorial properly titled “Now Republicans are defunding police” criticized Cagle, saying “Republicans need to walk the walk on fighting crime and stop blocking a county budget that boosts law enforcement funding.”

And, a fact sheet issued by Democratic Commissioner Adrian Garcia accurately stated that Cagle had “… cut tens of millions of dollars in public safety and healthcare…”

“Jack Cagle fancies himself as a thespian, and he’s pretty good at it – which is the problem. Harris County citizens don’t need a MAGA Jack masquerade. They need a commissioner who will stand up to Trump extremists instead of joining them,” said Angle.

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