Ted Cruz Podcast is a PodCASH Scandal

FEC Complaint lays out how Ted Cruz funneled over $600,000 in corporate funds into his dark money Super PAC

LSP Video: “Cruz PodCASH”

Just over two weeks ago, the Ted Cruz watchdog organization LOSECRUZ helped expose and amplify a series of improper corporate payments funneled from Cruz’s podcast distributor, iHeartMedia, to his dark money Super PAC totaling over $600,000. A series of media stories have followed, and last week the highly respected Campaign Legal Center formally filed a Federal Elections Communication (FEC) complaint laying out how Cruz is breaking the law.

Statement from Lone Star Project Director Matt Angle:

“Even taking into account Ted Cruz’s bloated self-esteem and overactive ego, his constant podcast promotion and insistence that he wasn’t being compensated rang untrue. Well, of course, it wasn’t true. Ted Cruz isn’t just stroking his own ego, he is engaged in intense marketing that is being compensated to the tune of over $600,000 in political benefit. The Ted Cruz podcast has always been about PodCASH.”

How to Catch Up and Keep Up with the Ted Cruz PodCASH Scandal

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