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  • Election Analysis & Results
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Texas GOP Leaders Have Forfeited Trust on Redistricting

Texas GOP Leaders Have Forfeited Trust on Redistricting

The Texas GOP is using a special session of the Legislature to adopt redistricting plans for use in 2014. Why would any Texan believe ...

Texas Redistricting & Intentional Discrimination

Texas Redistricting & Intentional Discrimination

Texas Republican State leaders are in the process of ramming State House and congressional maps down the throats of Texans. It has been a ...

Jason Villalba Is Not the Voice of Latino Voters

Jason Villalba Is Not the Voice of Latino Voters

Texas Republican House Member Jason Villalba (HD114 – Dallas) was recently appointed to the Texas House Redistricting Committee by Republican Speaker Joe Straus. But ...

Stand Up and Speak Out!

Stand Up and Speak Out!

You have the chance to stand strong against the ongoing efforts by Rick Perry and other Republican state leaders in the Legislature to undermine ...

The Courage to Fight, the Strength to Win

The Courage to Fight, the Strength to Win

Senator Wendy Davis and key leaders in Tarrant County- like Commissioner Roy Brooks, Congressman Marc ...

Wendy Davis holds the upper hand in 2014

Wendy Davis holds the upper hand in 2014

Snap media characterizations of State Senate District 10 favoring Republicans in 2014 are almost certainly wrong. Past political performance, the emergence of Wendy Davis ...

TX GOP’s appeal to US Supreme Court leaves Texas voters in Limbo

TX GOP’s appeal to US Supreme Court leaves Texas voters in Limbo

Ongoing hostility by Texas Republican leaders against Hispanic and African American voters and against the US Voting Rights Act has left the final resolution ...

Davis brief points to risks for Republicans

Davis brief points to risks for Republicans

Late yesterday, in a brief filed before the US District Court in San Antonio, State Senator Wendy Davis, LULAC and allied voters asked that ...

TEC rejects Mark Shelton’s complaint against Wendy Davis

TEC rejects Mark Shelton’s complaint against Wendy Davis

In a letter written to Mark Shelton and delivered today to State Senator Wendy Davis, the Texas Ethics Commission stated that it will not ...

TX CD14 Republican Randy Weber draws FEC complaint

TX CD14 Republican Randy Weber draws FEC complaint

A formal complaint has been filed with the Federal Elections Commission detailing how Texas CD14 Republican congressional candidate Randy Weber violated federal campaign laws ...

Shelton running out of time in Senate District 10

Shelton running out of time in Senate District 10

Early voting began in Texas today, and Senate District 10 Republican challenger Mark Shelton has spent the last several weeks attacking incumbent Senator Wendy ...

Fort Worth Star-Telegram endorses Wendy Davis calling her a “Fighter” and a “Leader”

Fort Worth Star-Telegram endorses Wendy Davis calling her a “Fighter” and a “Leader”

In an effusive editorial endorsement, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram called Wendy Davis "a tough fighter, a conscientious public servant and an able leader." Davis ...