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Damage from Abbott’s Equal Pay Blunders Spreading

Greg Abbott is taking one hit after another on equal pay. Now the damage from his failure to address the substance or the politics of the issue is spreading to other Texas Republicans.
Greg Abbott is taking one hit after another on equal pay. Now the damage from his failure to address the substance or the politics of the issue is spreading to other Texas Republicans.

Yesterday, Texas Senate Democrats, led by Senate Caucus Chair, Senator Kirk Watson (SD14 – Austin), sent a letter to Lt. Governor David Dewhurst calling on him to investigate and hold hearings on pay inequity within state agencies, including the unfair discrepancies found in Greg Abbott’s office. The Democrats’ letter signals that Abbott’s failure to address the equal pay issue straight up and his unwillingness to ensure fair pay within his own office will likely dog Republican candidates up and down the ballot.

Fair pay for a fair day’s work is a fundamental Texas value that Greg Abbott has publicly demonstrated he does not share. By failing to answer questions himself and take responsibility for his own actions, Abbott is allowing the damage to spread to other Republicans.

The Texas GOP insider establishment gave Greg Abbott a free pass to the GOP nomination for Governor, even pressuring a credible candidate like Tom Pauken to drop out of the race.

GOP leaders may be suffering from buyer’s remorse, given Greg Abbott’s tone deaf views on equal pay, his clumsy handling of criticism and his apparent indifference to the political damage he is doing to others in his party.

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