Ken Paxton Faces the Law – Sort Of

Will he confess to the Texas Sheriffs' Assocation
Admitted criminal and Tea Party Republican candidate Ken Paxton is bringing his “now-you-see-him-now-you-don’t” campaign to the Sheriffs’ Association of Texas Annual Meeting in San Antonio next week.

Paxton is set to speak to the Sheriffs’ group this coming Monday.  Here are the details:

When:Monday July 28, 2014
Where:Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom B
 200 E. Market Street
 San Antonio, Texas
Time:11:00 am

Will Paxton answer THE question?

Of course, it’s reasonable to wonder if Ken Paxton will actually show up.  For weeks, Paxton has been ducking public appearances and avoiding questions about his confessed violation of Texas securities laws for which he was forced to pay a large fine by the Texas Securities Board. 

If Paxton does appear, Texans will finally see whether he has the guts to answer the big question hanging over his campaign for attorney general – does a confessed criminal have any business making a bid to be the highest-ranking law enforcement official in Texas?

Paxton’s legal problems aren’t over

Establishment Republicans like Speaker Joe Straus opposed Paxton from the outset and actively supported his GOP primary opponent, Dan Branch. 

Last month there were signs that some Republicans – including Straus – urged the Travis County District Attorney to criminally prosecute him for his admitted violations of state security law. 

If Paxton is prosecuted and convicted of a felony violation of securities law, he would be disqualified from serving as Texas Attorney General.

Sheriffs serve warrants

It may seem ironic that a man who has confessed to breaking state law has chosen to make an appearance before a group that may include the Sheriff who will someday serve him with a warrant.

Ken Paxton needs to come clean about his crime and his candidacy – and this latest audience is the perfect place for him to do that.

After all, Texas Sheriffs are used to confessions.

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