Lone Star Project Report Follow-up: Street Money Scandal Blowback

Yesterday, the Lone Star Project released a report analyzing and giving our view of the relative standing of the 11 candidates for the Democratic Party nomination in new Congressional District 33. We provided details justifying our view that the prospects for two candidates were “trending up” and for one candidate were “trending down.”

After receiving a number of inquiries asking for more justification for our “trending down” analysis, we are providing the recent stories below from the Dallas Morning News detailing the use of “street money” to improperly influence candidate endorsements.


‘Street money’ triggers blow-up at Texas Coalition of Black Democrats meeting

Dozens of folks gathered at a bar last week in the Cedars neighborhood of Dallas in anticipation of a good old-fashioned political fight.

And they came ready to persuade, not just with oratory but with envelopes of cash, providing a window into the seedier side of street-level politics.

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Domingo Garcia fires US House campaign chief after failed bid for Texas Coalition of Black Democrats’ support

After a tension-filled meeting last week where he lost a Democratic group’s endorsement because his supporters were disqualified from voting, congressional candidate Domingo Garcia fired the group’s local chairman from his campaign.

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Editorial: How ‘street money’ tilts playing field

How political machine cash tilts the playing field

Just to be clear, we’re far from shocked — shocked! — to discover that so-called street money almost certainly is altering some Dallas election outcomes. It has been thus for about as long as popular votes have decided who holds power in this town.

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Street money and selling voters down the river

Excellent column today by Gromer Jeffers Jr. on street money — the seamy side of street level politics.

Gromer grew up in Chicago, as did I, so we’re pretty aware of these sorts of election tactics. But that this was done in front of a reporter with envelopes changing hands is simply mind-bogglingly dumb. Apparently no one here heeds the advice of the late West Virginia congressman Robert Byrd: Do not run a campaign that would embarrass your mother, or the Chicago caveat of if you do, don’t get caught.

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