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Statement from Lone Star Project Director Matt Angle

On Enterprise Fund, Abbott Non-responsive, Intentionally Deceptive
Greg Abbott arrogantly believes he can pick and choose which laws he enforces and which he does not.  It’s clear that Texas Enterprise Funds moved improperly to many of Abbott’s friends and allies.  He chose to ignore the law that calls on him to investigate, prosecute and recover the money.

Abbott twisted logic, the truth and common sense to justify his appeal of the State district court ruling that the Texas public school finance system is unconstitutional.  Yet, when it comes to insider allies illegally taking millions in taxpayer funds, Abbott ignores the plain language of the law to avoid doing his job as state attorney general.

Background on Abbott/Perry Texas Enteprise Fund Scandal

Earlier today, a spokesman for Greg Abbott issued a statement clearly designed to cover up Abbott’s culpability in the Texas Enterprise Fund scandal where over $200 million was moved to companies that neither properly requested or justified receiving money from the taxpayer funded account.  The Abbott statement is non-responsive, intentionally deceptive and dishonest.

As the Lone Star Project reported earlier today, state law clearly charges Abbott with providing oversight and enforcement to prevent the type of improper payments made by the Enterprise Fund.

Shamefully, Abbott described the statute compelling him to provide oversight and enforcement as “obsolete” by citing an attorney general’s opinion from 1988.  Abbott failed to disclose, however, that the statute was updated and amended in 1997 – seven years AFTER the AG opinion.  Clearly, the legislature intended for the law to be enforced.

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