Texas GOP Corruption APP

On numerous occasions, Greg Abbott has accepted large campaign contributions from donors who improperly received taxpayer money with help from Abbott as Attorney General.

Read more on the Abbott Files

Even Republicans know that Dan Patrick is one of the most divisive public officials in Texas. He opposes equal pay for equal work, has vowed to repeal the DREAM Act, calling all Hispanic immigrants an “invasion,” and he wants to raise taxes on all hardworking Texans except the wealthy elite. He even wants to take away Texans’ rights to elect their own US Senators.

Read more on why Dan Patrick is wrong for Texas

While seeking to become the top law enforcement official in Texas, Ken Paxton has admitted to violating Texas state securities laws – a felony offense. Paxton is currently under investigation regarding his criminal violations and also faces a complaint before the State Bar Association. Despite knowingly breaking the law, Paxton voted twice in favor of the laws that criminalized his own illegal activities.

Read more on why Ken Paxton is unfit to be AG