Democratic Congressional Interveners Submit Fair, Narrowly Tailored Redistricting Proposal

The Jackson plaintiffs, which include the Democratic Congressional interveners, filed a remedial redistricting plan and brief today in the Texas redistricting case. The plan meets all the requirements set forth in the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision. The Lone Star Project has links to the brief and map below and will post all maps and an analysis of the other plans in the coming days.

Read the Brief Here
See the Map Here
See the Map Statistics

Highlights of the Jackson Plaintiffs’ Plan

  • Cures the Voting Rights Act violation that the Supreme Court found in District 23, as well as the shape and compactness concerns in District 25;
  • Changes only two other districts, leaving 28 of the State’s 32 districts completely untouched;
  • Complies with all other federal districting requirements, including the Voting Rights Act and the Constitution’s “one person, one vote” rule; and
  • When compared to the current DeLay map and other remedial proposals, the Jackson plan respects cities, counties, and communties of interest and maintains both partisan and regional balance to provide fair representation for all voters, while affecting the minimum number of districts (4).

Plan Overview

  • The plan unites Webb County and returns it entirely to CD23 (Bonilla);
  • CD28 (Cuellar) picks up new population from the current CD25, primarily Hidalgo County;
  • CD25 (Doggett) is shifted northward and is made a compact district based in Travis County; and
  • CD21( L. Smith) is shifted west to pick up Hill Country Counties and other areas necessary to balance CD 23 (Bonilla).

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