In New CD33, Some Endorsements Reveal More Than Others

Recent Veasey & Garcia endorsements give insight into the style and character of both candidates
There have been a number of endorsements announced by both Marc Veasey and by Domingo Garcia during the campaign for the Democratic nomination in new Congressional District 33. The most revealing of them, however, may be those announced in just the last few days.

Recently, Marc Veasey won the endorsement of State House Members Roberto Alonzo and Rafael Anchia. At about the same time, Domingo Garcia announced that he has been endorsed by former State House Member Glenn Lewis and former CD33 candidate Kyev Tatum. Alonzo and Anchia have very different styles, reputations and priorities than Lewis and Tatum. The endorsements by Alonzo and Anchia would benefit any candidate. Conversely, it’s hard to understand why any Democratic candidate would seek the endorsement of Lewis or Tatum.


Recent Veasey Endorsers Help Him

Representatives Roberto Alonzo and Rafael Anchia

Alonzo and Anchia are among the most highly respected and well-liked Democratic leaders in Texas.

Roberto Alonzo – Rep. Alonzo is one of the most senior House Members in the DFW area.

  • Rep. Alonzo is the first Hispanic ever elected to the State House from North Texas.
  • Alonzo’s very first piece of legislation created the Texas Partnership and Scholarship Program which helped low income students prepare for and attend college.
  • Rep Alonzo’s soft-spoken nature should not be mistaken for “soft”. He is a tough and tireless advocate for Hispanic political empowerment and for economic fairness across the board. Formerly friends, Domingo Garcia betrayed Alonzo by running against him in 1996 and taking his seat in the House. Alonzo fought back, recaptured his seat and has skillfully outflanked Garcia’s political maneuvering since then.

Rafael Anchia – Rep. Anchia is a generation younger than Roberto Alonzo and widening the trail blazed by Rep. Alonzo.

  • Rep Anchia was recognized as Freshman of the year in his first term and has been listed in Texas Monthly as one of the ten best legislators.
  • Anchia is widely recognized as one of the rising stars among Hispanic leaders, not only in Texas but in the country.
  • While able to work constructively on legislation with political opponents, Anchia does not collapse to political pressure by Republican leaders. Most notably, he has been one of the most effective opponents to the discriminatory Voter Photo ID Legislation.
  • After Domingo Garcia used the racial slur “errand boy” to insult Marc Veasey, Rep. Anchia showed strength and moral leadership by calling out Garcia and demanding his apology.


Recent Garcia Endorsers Hurt Him 

Former State Representative Glenn Lewis and Rev. Kyev Tatum

Lewis and Tatum are most notable for their ties to Republicans and their support and facilitation of Republican prioritites.

Glenn Lewis – Former State Representative Lewis lost his seat in the Legislature to Marc Veasey. Lewis remains is among the least liked public figures in Fort Worth.

  • Lewis was one of the very first Democratic legislators to betray Democratic Speaker Pete Laney and endorse Republican Tom Craddick. As a “Craddick D”, Lewis lost the trust and respect of his Democratic colleagues by defending Craddick’s most outrageous and dictatorial House rulings.
  • Lewis lost trust and support in Fort Worth after he helped pass the Tom DeLay mid-decade redistricting plan. Rather than join colleagues in Ardmore, Oklahoma protesting the plan, Lewis stayed in Austin and was available to help form a quorum when Craddick called. Lewis later refused to make a public statement opposing the DeLay redistricting plan. As a result, the African American community in Fort Worth was stranded in a safely Republican district.
  • As a legislator, a Lewis priority was promoting private school voucher legislation favored by Republicans. (Source: Vouchers may be out; But supporters say they expect to see something before legislators leaveSan Antonio Express-News, April 26, 2003.)
  • Most recently, Lewis’ law firm, has been the mired in a political legal scandal. Mario Perez, a Lewis colleague and ally, has been indicted.

Kyev Tatum – Reverend Tatum is a political gadfly and not a Democrat. His views and past political activities are more aligned with the Republican Party. He runs for office with no apparent chance of winning and makes bizarre and untrue statements.


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