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Pre-runoff background on Texas Congressional District 33

Over the past three and a half months, the Lone Star Project has issued a series of reports detailing the democratic primary election for new Texas Congressional District 33. CD33 is a safe democratic district, so winning the democratic primary is tantamount to winning the election in the fall.
Over the past three and a half months, the Lone Star Project has issued a series of reports detailing the democratic primary election for new Texas Congressional District 33. CD33 is a safe democratic district, so winning the democratic primary is tantamount to winning the election in the fall.

The candidates Marc Veasey and Domingo Garcia face off tomorrow. The winner must be relied upon to protect the voting rights of minority voters when the districts are redrawn next year. So the stakes could not be higher

For individuals following the race, and for reporters covering it, links to the Lone Star Project reports covering CD33 are listed to the left along with several recent articles on the race below.

CD33 Coverage in the News

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