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Wendy Davis will air first TV ad in critical Senate District 10 race

Most political observers in Texas agree that Senate District 10 is the most important legislative race in Texas in 2012. Incumbent Wendy Davis has built a strong, broad coalition of Democrats, independents and fair-minded Republicans to fight off what is expected to be a series of harsh partisan and ideological attacks by her opponent Mark Shelton and partisan State leaders like Rick Perry and Greg Abbott.
Most political observers in Texas agree that Senate District 10 is the most important legislative race in Texas in 2012. Incumbent Wendy Davis has built a strong, broad coalition of Democrats, independents and fair-minded Republicans to fight off what is expected to be a series of harsh partisan and ideological attacks by her opponent Mark Shelton and partisan State leaders like Rick Perry and Greg Abbott.

Davis will open the campaign with an inspiring first ad that tells her story of marrying very young, becoming a single mother and working her way first through Tarrant Community College then being named valedictorian at TCU and ultimately earning a law degree from Harvard. It is a hopeful story demonstrating how hard work and opportunity here in Texas led to success. Moreover, it emphasizes Wendy Davis’ commitment to making sure that the same opportunities are in place for hard working and deserving Texas children now and in the future.

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