Shelton lashes out with false ad

Rather than counter Davis with any substantive issue, Shelton instead has launched another personal attack attempting to tarnish the integrity of the well-liked and respected Davis. In an ad just released, Shelton falsely accuses Davis of a conflict of interest on key votes and somehow hiding her activities as an attorney. The same charge has already by fact-checked by WFAA Channel 8 and found to be untrue. The charges in Shelton’s most recent ad can be factually rebutted line-by-line.
Shelton lashes back – by lying

Rather than counter Davis with any substantive issue, Shelton instead has launched another personal attack attempting to tarnish the integrity of the well-liked and respected Davis. In an ad just released, Shelton falsely accuses Davis of a conflict of interest on key votes and somehow hiding her activities as an attorney. The same charge has already by fact-checked by WFAA Channel 8 and found to be untrue. The charges in Shelton’s most recent ad can be factually rebutted line-by-line.

False Shelton ad claim

State Senator Wendy Davis doesn’t want you to see the whole picture. Last session, she broke ethics laws by hiding that her business partner is also a lobbyist and hiding that her own firm lobbies the Legislature.


Senator Davis’ legal associate, Brian Newby, appropriately registered with the Texas Ethics Commission. Newby has NEVER lobbied on behalf of the Newby Davis law firm or testified before a committee on the firm’s behalf. Nothing has been hidden. No ethics laws or rules violated.

False Shelton Ad claim

Davis even tried to hide that she switched her vote for the North Texas Tollway Authority after they agreed to hire her law firm and now pays Davis $350 per hour.


Senator Davis’ votes on this issue were a matter of public record, just like all other recorded votes. The vote Senator Davis cast on the bill actually enacted, SB 469, favored drivers over the tollway. Under the bill adopted, drivers who violate toll restrictions would be subject to lower fines than under current law or under legislation Senator Davis previously supported. Ultimately, Senator Davis supported the bill most beneficial to drivers and least beneficial to the tollway authority.

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