Video: Burton Betting on a Lie

Konni Burton’s Property Tax & Education Lie

Soaring local property taxes driven up by the failure of the legislature to fund public schools is a red-hot issue in State Senate District 10 where Trump Party Republican ideologue Konni Burton is being challenged by mainstream Democrat Beverly Powell. 
Burton is using over a million dollars in support from the fringe right PAC Empower Texans and its allies to obscure her record of underfunding public schools and causing local property taxes to skyrocket.  Rather than explain her hostility to public schools or her Education votes that drive up local taxes, Burton has chosen to simply lie and deny the impact of her actions.
Today, the Lone Star Project released a short video featuring Tarrant County Republican Glen Whitley which details how Konni Burton and other Republican legislators’ budget votes assume a large increase in local property tax rates.  Whitley further confirms that the state’s failure to meet its obligation to adequately fund public schools “increases the burden on homeowners”.



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