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Loco Control: Radack And Cagle Surrender (Again)

Steve Radack and Jack Cagle are complicit with GOP plans to undermine local voters.

Dennis Bonnen and Harris County’s Do-Nothing-Duo

Commissioners Steve Radack and Jack Cagle continue to fail Harris County citizens.

During the last Harris County Commissioners’ Court meeting, both voted against a straight-forward resolution that condemned the destructive efforts of Austin-based state Republicans to weaken local control and undermine local voters’ ability to make key decisions for themselves.

Democratic Commissioner Adrian Garcia put forward the measure affirming that Harris County would not tolerate policies from Austin designed to tear down cities and counties. Radack and Cagle voted “no” on the resolution and, in doing so, reinforced their support for Texas House Speaker Dennis Bonnen who has a long record of bowing to special interests in order to preserve his own.

To make matters worse, they also voted against key wording that emphasized the importance of local officials attending meetings and not skipping votes – perhaps expected because Radack has made a habit of doing just that.

Texas Republicans “Hate” 85% of Texans

The Texas GOP has made no secret of its hostility to local communities. When the leader of the Texas House Republican Caucus says  “…we hate cities and counties,” it doesn’t require much translation. Texas GOP leaders confessed their disdain for an overwhelming number of Texas residents.

In Houston, Jack Cagle justified his action against local control by saying he didn’t want to upset these same Austin-based elected officials (referring to them as “our friends”)  because, “we need their money.”   


Cagle fancies himself an intellectual; however, he has apparently forgotten how taxes work. Commissioner Garcia reminded him that the money he said comes from his “friends” in the Capitol actually belongs to the residents of Harris County, not to the GOP in Austin. 

Radack and Cagle: Multiple chances and multiple failures

Radack’s and Cagle’s votes against local control continue a pattern of failed leadership and poor judgement. For his part, Radack has a long history of making bad decisions, putting Harris County residents at risk. 

In the past, the Houston Chronicle has pointed out “…obvious flaws…” in one of Radack’s bizarre schemes to break up the Harris County Flood Control District. Radack’s obsession with limiting the county’s ability to operate is a major reason why we have seen neighborhoods flood when they shouldn’t.  It’s come to the point where Harris County residents should expect poor leadership from Radack on control and mitigation since he said “people enjoy floods.”   

Steve Radack has held the same office for over 30 years. Now, he personifies an elected official who has been in office for so long that his relationships involving party insiders with corrupted values are more important to him than the citizens he’s elected to represent. 

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