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Steve Radack Unhinged?

We shouldn’t be surprised that Steve Radack is quick to blurt out what’s really on his mind.

Radack Unhinged?

Is Harris County Commissioner Steve Radack coming unhinged?

In his latest display of incoherent ramblings— this time in front of the Cy-Fair Chamber of Commerce —Radack made false accusations, lewd jokes and berated the director of Harris County Public Health.

Radack Stokes Problems Instead of Solving Them

On the same day Dr. Umair Shah, Executive Director of Harris County Public Health, announced a partnership with the Sheriff’s office to launch a new program helping to address the opioid crisis, Radack decided to publicly admonish him.

“This Dr. Shah—the head of the Health Department, I don’t know if he is here or not, but if he is here, I just want you to know I think you’re doing a pathetic job. I want you to know something. I know you do a pathetic job.” 

New leadership at the Harris County Commissioners Court is working with Dr. Shah as Harris Health embarks on a landmark study that examines how to improve the health of county residents.

Perhaps the most bizarre portion of Radack’s rant came in a failed attempt at levity when he decided to unload a joke that left folks more appalled than amused.

“By the way, there is a car out there—maybe I misread it—I think it says ‘Horse Massage.’ Is that right? Let me tell you something, if you add one more word, if you add one more word after horse and put it on there… I may come see ya. It changes from horse to horses. Okay. I love that.” 

We shouldn’t be surprised that Radack is quick to blurt out what’s really on his mind. After all, he’s the guy who infamously said “people enjoy floods.”

The GOP Standard

Unfortunately, in the Trump Republican era, this kind of behavior from Radack has become commonplace with members of the GOP. Instead of focusing on real challenges and real solutions, their leaders prefer to spew nonproductive rhetoric, promote conspiracy theories, and engage in fear mongering.

This all happened only a few days after County Judge Lina Hidalgo delivered a well-received State of the County address to the Greater Houston Partnership, reporting achievements and outlining a vision for the future while tackling the challenges facing our community. The contrast is clear.

How much longer will residents in Commissioner Precinct 3 put up with someone so out of touch and so unwilling to work on solutions that will keep Harris County strong?


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