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Video: The Eyes of Texas are Upon Greg Abbott

Governor Greg Abbott has dithered and delayed during the COVID-19 pandemic, threatening all Texans.

Governor Greg Abbott has dithered and delayed during the COVID-19 pandemic, threatening all Texans. 

Abbott has largely left critical decision-making to local leaders. The actions he has taken have focused on attacking political rivals, withholding critical data, limiting women’s rights, and voter suppression.

Texans are watching. They can see Abbott was unprepared for this crisis. He wasted valuable time and has sent mixed signals to the public, endangering the lives of Texans.

Abbott is one of the most timid governors in Texas history.  His passive, calculating nature has led to unsteady leadership during a time that demands swift, bold action.

The eyes of Texas are upon Greg Abbott. He cannot escape his failures.

Check out our latest video on Abbott’s failed leadership:

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