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Texas GOP Belongs to Donald Trump

Republicans have betrayed the state and surrendered control to Trumpism.

From top to bottom, Republican elected officials in Texas have abandoned any semblance of self-respect or independence. They have caved on their principles and values and now simply do the bidding of the orange-faced traitor who incited a mob attack on our nation’s Capitol. Take a look at how these spineless politicians have chosen Trump over Texas.

Abbott the Obeyer

Texas has never had a weaker or more incompetent Governor than Greg Abbott, so watching him abdicate to Trump is no surprise. However, Abbott started out in Trump’s pocket long before he became a lapdog.

Abbott was in Trump’s Pocket Early

While Attorney General, Abbott’s office investigated Trump University for fraud but dropped its probe after Trump agreed to end its operations in Texas. Trump subsequently donated $35,000 to his gubernatorial campaign.

Followed Trump’s Lead on COVID

While Trump was president, Abbott echoed his extreme rhetoric that has divided the country and followed his reckless COVID-19 response that has caused hundreds of thousands of avoidable deaths and preventable damage to the economy.

Abbott Brings the “Big Lie” to Texas

Trump’s stranglehold on Abbott’s actions shows no signs of changing. Recently, Abbott bowed to the pressure, perpetuating the Big Lie by ordering an audit of the 2020 election in Texas. Abbott has gone further, appointing as the chief elections administrator for the state one of Trump’s acolyte attorneys who both represented one of Trump’s lawsuits to overturn the presidential election and led the charge to defend the state’s intentionally discriminatory Voter ID bill.

Dreadful Dan

Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick has been in lock-step with Donald Trump since he became Trump’s Texas campaign chairman in 2016.

Patrick has also been instrumental in perpetuating lies about election fraud that have helped extend and sustain Trumpism across the country. Like Trump, Patrick began laying the foundation to discredit the 2020 election far before voting had even occurred, claiming that if Democrats won in Texas, it would have been because “they stole it.”

Patrick has taken the Big Lie and used it to justify introducing some of the nation’s harshest voter suppression laws and intentionally discriminatory redistricting maps.

After Trump’s recent calls for an election audit in Texas, Patrick said “there’s nothing wrong with doing that.”

Cruz the Cuck

Even after witnessing Trump publicly insult his wife, lily-livered Senator Ted Cruz cozied up to Trump to become one of his most vocal supporters in Congress —and a central henchman pushing his anti-American agenda.

Last December, Cruz said he would be willing to argue the baseless lawsuit filed by Attorney General Ken Paxton seeking to invalidate the presidential election results.

Cruz then refused to respect the American tradition of a peaceful transfer of power when he announced that he would challenge the Electoral College. That unpatriotic act helped invigorate a Trump mob that eventually attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. The mob beat police officers, threatened to kill government leaders, and even allegedly planted bombs around Washington, D.C.

Footage from the attacks reveal that many in the mob felt they were authorized by the anti-American rhetoric of Cruz — with some of the insurrectionists proclaiming “I think Cruz would want us to do this… So I think we’re good.”

Cruz continues to damage our democracy by cynically spreading false claims about the 2020 presidential election.

Corrupt Ken Paxton

No other state attorney general in the country has done more than Ken Paxton to perpetuate the Big Lie that incited the violent insurrection on our nation’s Capitol.

As chair of Lawyers for Trump, Paxton filed a frivolous lawsuit with the U.S. Supreme Court that attempted to nullify the presidential results in four states and overturn the election for Trump. The court tossed out the lawsuit in a brief ruling.

He and his wife joined the January 6th Trump rally and urged the crowd to keep fighting the presidential election results. “We will not quit fighting… the fight will go on,” Paxton said.

After the attack on the Capitol, Paxton refused to release information about who paid for his travel to Washington D.C. or any communications he received about the planning of the rally that preceded the insurrection.

Paxton still believes that Trump won the presidential election. Last week, he said that President Biden’s presidential victory was the result of an “overthrow.”

There is No Turning Back for Texas GOP

Texas Republicans have made their bed with Trump fully and completely. Their party has lost any sense of its so-called “traditional values’” and now operate primarily on the whims of Trump’s press releases.

It remains to be seen just how low Trumpism will take the Texas GOP.

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