Groomer and Abuser Ted Nugent Booked as Texas Republican Headliner

Nugent bragged about abusing underage girls

Remember the MAGA Republican hysteria and handwringing over sex traffickers, child abusers, and other groomers? Well, they got over it. At least Texas Republicans are over it.

Famous groomer and sexual abuser of underage girls, Ted Nugent, was announced by Republican legislator Pat Curray (HD56-Waco) to “kick off” the new Texas Legislative Session. Curry and his MAGA colleagues are apparently unconcerned about Nugent’s pedophile past that forced Greg Abbott to stop appearing with Nugent over 10 years ago.

Abbott never appropriately condemned Nugent, but he stopped appearing with him following a series of Lone Star Project reports detailing Nugent’s history of grooming and then abusing teenage girls. The reports are linked below:

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